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Fostering Synergy: AI-PROGNOSIS and DHU Partnership

11 Oct 2023

Collaboration and Synergy with Digital Health Uptake Project

We are thrilled to announce our new synergy with the Digital Health Uptake (DHU) project.

The Digital Health Uptake (DHU) project, funded through the Digital Europe Programme, is dedicated to aligning policies, strategies, instruments, and activities to promote the adoption of digital health solutions and services across Europe. DHU's efforts are categorised into three key aspects: RADAR, KNOWLEDGE COMMUNITY, and ACCELERATOR.

AI-PROGNOSIS and Digital Health Uptake (DHU) partnership will extend across multiple channels, including websites, newsletters, and social media platforms. As our collaboration deepens, we look forward to co-organising impactful events that resonate with our shared mission.

We greatly appreciate this initiative and eagerly anticipate the next steps in our partnership!

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